M E M O R I A L Stj|tl|in|ca|st

L I N C O L N   M E M O R I A L

Washington, D.C.

The great emancipator and savior of democracy, Abraham Lincoln had a tough life, one filled with great sadness and tragedy. Daniel Chester French, the statue's sculptor, chose to model the President in a sitting position, indicating a somewhat weathered and worn condition. Lincoln, however, was a very strong and persistent individual, as illustrated by his straight back and presence of expression.

Look at Lincoln's hands. What do you see? As intended by the sculptor, they subtly show Lincoln's two most important qualities. His clenched hand represents his strength and determination to end the Civil War, his open hand illustrates Lincoln's warm and compassionate nature.

Peeking behind the statue, I take a shot of its backside. I must say, you don't see too many pictures of this less popular view.

Ahhh, here's the head of the statue. Lincoln has a relaxed, but determined look on his face. He's facing eastward, toward the Washington Memorial and, past that, the U.S. Capitol Building. It was within the U.S. Capital Building that legislation was successively passed, providing more and more rights and freedoms to African Americans.

Standing within the interior now, I look to my left and see 4 tall columns. Behind them I find a large inscription of The Gettysburg Address, probably Lincoln's most famous speech.

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