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B A D L A N D S   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Southwestern South Dakota

My climb up Saddle Pass Trail takes me from the park's lower prairie to its upper prairie, about a 200 foot elevation difference. Here is a picture of the upper prairie and off in the distance is a feature called a "secondary table." This feature is a relatively young formation and was created by erosional sediment that washed here, perhaps as early as 10,000 years ago. The table is held in place by the vegetation growing on its top. The prairie grasses can have root systems that extend up to 10 feet below the surface, effectively holding the table in place as it magically "rises" out of the ground by the surrounding erosional forces.

I decide to climb the secondary table since it's only about 20 feet high. I want to see up close and personal what the vegetation looks like. Turns out the vegetation consists of primarily prairie grasses and cactus. The picture above is the top of the secondary table. I'm careful not to step too close to the edge since it looks like it could crumble under my feet at any moment.

After the conclusion of my second hike I drive out to Fossil Trail for a fossil presentation given by Ranger Lovelace. In addition to having drawers full of tooth fossils, he also displays fossils of marine life as well as a few mammal skulls, some where the real-deal, others where plaster casts.

Regretfully, the time has finally arrived to leave Badlands National Park and press on to Minneapolis, MN. The past three days spent in the park were educational, scenic and down-right fascinating. Badlands is an other-worldly place where frequently I had to remind myself that yes, all the formations around me were indeed formed by natural forces. I hope someday to return to checkout the park's backcountry offerings.

I rate my tour of Badlands National Park an overwhelming 5 thumbs-up, a perfect rating.

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