S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

H O U S E   O N   T H E   R O C K

Spring Green, Wisconsin

"MILL HOUSE: The Mill displays antique guns, dolls, mechanical banks, suits of armor, music machines, paperweights and an enormous fireplace."

The Mill House has these weird multiple-barrel handguns, called "pepper-boxes." They look like something out of a cartoon. Apparently Alex Jordon designed and created them. Can you imagine the powerful kick-back if you fired all barrels at the same time?

"STREETS OF YESTERDAY: It recreates the 19th century with a sheriff's office, carriage house, wood-carver's shop, Grandma's house and more. There is a whole street of shops and homes. The road is bricked and the lighting simulates old-time gas street lamps."

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Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
African Bush Elephant, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Funky Cable Stays on Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, Denver, CO
Somewhere in Southwest Utah
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Pilfered Wheels, Pacific Beach, CA