S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

W I N T E R   O L Y M P I C   S P O R T S   C O M P L E X
S K I   J U M P I N G   C O M P L E X

Lake Placid, New York

Near the bottom of the lift I notice some folks tossing around a football. I take their picture without really thinking much about it but when I review the picture afterwards I have a good laugh. It looks like the kid is going to throw the football at the dude who is bending over to pick something up.

Well that concludes my tour of the Kodak Sports Park and Ski Jump Complex. I really enjoy the free-style ski jumping and the great views afforded from the 120-meter ski jump. I rate my tour a perfect 5 thumbs-up!

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Joshua Tree Forest, Joshua Tree National Monument, CA
Canyonlands, UT
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Bighorn National Forest, WY
Sunset at Grand Canyon, AZ
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island