S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

S A N   F R A N C I S C O   D E   A S I S   C H U R C H

Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico

Looking up I see the church's two bell towers and a second floor window. Hmmmm, perhaps it's in need of a storm window in a color matching the gutters? Just a thought.

I open the church door and peer inside. Yikes! I'm immediately startled by the sudden appearance of a cleaning lady who informs me the church is now closed. Bummer! So all I get is a little glimpse inside and this church bulletin. The interior, which is off limits to cameras, is a bit more ornate than its exterior.

Focusing my attention back outside, I notice the courtyard contains an interesting menagerie of statues, shrines, and graves.

Wrapping things up, here's a little more church eye-candy for your viewing pleasure. This time the views are captured from the right side of the church as I make my way back to the van.

Wow, what an interesting church. While I wasn't able to get inside for any amount of time to absorb the views, the unique characteristics of this church, as least compared to what I'm used to thinking a church should look like, are rather fascinating to me. A solid 4 thumbs-up rating is what I give this little church tour of mine. It would have certainly earned a 5 thumbs-up rating, a perfect rating, had I been able to attend a service. Now, that would have been a special treat.

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Bear and Hunters, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
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