M I S H A P S tj|tl|in|ca|st

B U T T E R F L Y   R E S C U E

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

While driving through Adirondack State Park on my way to Lake Placid, NY, I hit a Monarch butterfly. I'm not sure how long it's been stick on my windshield wiper but I notice the wind is battering the poor little critter. I feel sorry for it. Since I'm not in any hurry I pull over and attempt a rescue.

I carefully pull it from the wiper then lay it out on the hood of the van. It isn't moving. I poke its antennae and I get a little movement. That's a good sign, I haven't killed it after all. But how badly is it injured I wonder. After about a minute or two the butterfly magically comes back to life. I suppose if I were flying along, minding my own business, then BAM! I'm hit by a 60 mph 2.5-ton object, it'd take me a while to come around too.

After a little coaxing I get it to walk around on my hand, a physical therapy of sorts. After a while of that, it seems well enough to be released so I place it on some vegetation by the side of the road. Lord knows what happened to it after that. I hope it makes it. Had I been in a rush and not taken the time to try to help it, it certainly wouldn't have survived. Sometimes it's nice not to be in a hurry. You can take time to smell the roses, or in this case, save a beautiful butterfly.

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Pilfered Wheels, Pacific Beach, CA
Seagull near Jordon Pond, Acadia National Park, ME
Montana dirt road, on the way to Yellowstone
Plymouth Rock, Plymouth, MA
Hovering Seagull, Fort Allen Park, Portland, ME
Moonwalk, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Big Sur, CA