M I S H A P S tj|tl|in|ca|st

C A R T   C R A S H

Falmouth, Massachusetts

Friday, October 22, 2004

No, I didn't run into this cart with my van. Instead, there is a more sinister cause to this cart's destruction. Overnighting in a Walmart parking lot in Falmouth, MA, in the wee hours of the morning, I hear the rumbling of a pickup truck. Upon investigation, I witness a sport of sorts, the driver is reeking havoc with a number of shopping carts.

Basically, picture a redneck in a pickup truck on the above stretch of parking lot. While driving, he holds onto a cart with his left hand, speeds to the curb, releases the cart at the last second, veers his pickup away from the curb, and the cart crashes into the curb. Get it? Stupid, eh?

Sadly, this is the place where the cart met its demise. It hit so hard it actually chipped the curb.

Curious to find out if this crashing of carts is some sort of underground sport, I take to the Internet. Unfortunately, after much searching, I find nothing. However, I do find this amusing writeup. It's a shopping cart racing extravaganza of sorts, 4 guys test drive 3 different kinds of carts (Home Depot, Walmart & Safeway) and post their results. Good stuff!

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Hoover Dam, AZ
Trees, Washington, DC
Riding the Wave, Mission Beach, CA
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
Big Sur, CA
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Sculpted Corn Field, Carr Valley, WI