H I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

P L E A S A N T   M O U N T A I N

Southwestern Maine

After a bit more climbing, we're almost there.

Finally we make it to the top. At the peak we encounter this wooden tepee. It looks to me like we have the makings for a bonfire.

We spy an unnamed island in the distance.

Monica is all smiles on the mountaintop.

After spending a few minutes at the top, we make our way back down the mountain. Here are some miscellaneous shots along the way. Poor Monica, her knee starts to bother her on the way down. Fortunately, we're in no big hurry, so we take our time hiking down the mountainside.

Soon enough, the hike is over, and we find ourselves talking about the hike's highlights and lowlights. The highlights include nice panoramic views of Southern Maine and cool hiking weather. The lowlights include not a whole lot of sunshine which cast a slightly dreary spell over the hike. All in all it was a good hike, but it only gets 4 thumbs-up out of a possible 5 thumbs.

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