M U S E U M Stj|tl|in|ca|st

M U S E U M   O F   T H E   R O C K I E S

Bozeman, Montana

More cool fossils.

This portion of a T-Rex jawbone looks to be glued together from bits and pieces. A lot of the fossils here are like this. I wonder, what's the minimum size a fossilized bone chip can be to be considered "scientifically valid?" If it's too small, a paleontologist could Elmer's Glue anything together, perhaps making new and exotic species that only exist in their imagination. Hmmmm, makes you wonder, huh?

Here's a T-Rex tooth, it's pretty darn big. I'd bet putting braces on a juvenile T-Rex put their parents in the poor house, or cave, or whatever.

At the tail-end of the fossil exhibit I discover this mechanical triceratops riding machine. I've been on mechanical bull riding machines in the past but this special pre-historic one has an extra added element of danger, those two long, pointy horns out front.

Checking that no one is around because getting bucked-off can be embarrasing, I put my camera on the floor then mount the dinosaur head with the intent to hold on for dear life. As you can see, the ride is rough and very dangerous but I manage to hang on. I tell ya, them dinos are a lot harder to ride than them bulls!

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Badger Pass, Yosemite National Park, CA
Otter Cove, Acadia National Park, ME
Fall Reflection on Ossipee River, Porter, ME
West and East Mitten Butte, Monument Valley, AZ
Oil Pump, Somewhere in West Texas
Clouds over Wisconsin
Central Oregon Coast