M U S E U M Stj|tl|in|ca|st

M U S E U M   O F   T H E   R O C K I E S

Bozeman, Montana

After the fossil exhibit I take a gander at a plasic dinosaur exhibit. They're all quite life-like. So much so, I could have sworn this little dino tried to bite me as I reached for an egg. I think better of it and withdraw my hand quickly, checking that my 5-digits are still intact.

Here are some of the realistic, life-sized dinosaurs.

They even have a special feeding/petting section which is pretty cool.

As I walk around there's a faint, unpleasant smell. I followed my nose and soon come upon a dung exhibit. Wow, pre-historic dino poop. How would you like to be a paleontologists who specializes in pre-historic dinosaur dung? Are there folks who do this? Imagine the horrors, you're at a fancy dinner party and your turn comes to explain what you do to pay the bills.

Looking closer at the dung, it proves to be rather nebulous. Sort of shapeless, a blah color, just the sort of thing you'd expect it to be. I then do a bad thing, I touch the dung. I swear, it looks fossilized, but I think it needs 1 to 2 million more years to completely solidify.

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