S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S
I C E   C R E A M   F A C T O R Y

Waterbury, Vermont

Boy, are these guys famous. Not only do they get featured in prominent publications, they are also Honorary Doctors of Law. How cool is that?

Ben & Jerry's making light of past tragedy. Years ago one of their ice cream delivery trucks caught on fire. Luckily, no one was hurt, but it's a shame all that ice cream went up in smoke. I bet that fire smelled really good though.

This display highlights a cross-country tour in the CowMobile. Can you envision all the happy, smiling faces of all who were fortunate enough to get free samples? I certainly can because free samples are a beautiful thing.

Okay, enough with all this ice cream history, related gifts, and factory tours. It's time to get real serious. It's time for me to "cowboy up" and order my "triple scoop!"

And here's the masterpiece of my ice cream pleasure, all decked out in a waffle cone. I selected my favorites, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (bottom), Mint Chocolate Chip (upper left), and Cherry Garcia (upper right).

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Houston Control Center, Circa 1970s, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Riding the Wave, Mission Beach, CA
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
Foliage near Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards Bay, MA
Lobster Feast at Testa’s, Bar Harbor, ME
Penobscot Bay, Camden, ME
Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone