S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S
I C E   C R E A M   F A C T O R Y

Waterbury, Vermont

After finishing their cold treats and enjoying the view, Holstein-patterned garbage cans are at the ready to help relieve any and all ice cream eaters of their sticky, unwanted goodies.

I run across a few multilingual inspiration posts like this one, "May Peace Prevail on Earth." If I was on the committee in charge of placing and maintaining these posts, I would add a new one saying "May Free Ice Cream Samples Prevail On The Factory Tour." Now that's the kind of inspiration the visitors here are looking for.

And if ice cream isn't enough to make the kiddos happy, Ben & Jerry's also throws in this playground to satisfy their palette for fun. I know swimming on a full stomach isn't smart but how about sliding on a full stomach of ice cream? Good thing the playground is made of plastic which is easy clean up.

Soon enough the factory comes into full-view. Supposedly there is another, larger factory somewhere else in Vermont. The one I'm touring can crank out something ridiculous like 250,000 pints a day. The other factory can spit out 400,000 pints a day. 650,000 pints a day, now that's a lot of ice cream!

Walking down the promenade I pass by a photo-op and places to relax and eat ice cream.

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Sunset at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, Montrose, CO
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier, Mission Beach, CA
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
Somewhere in Southwest Utah
Zebra Shark, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
Momma Gorilla with Baby, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA