B I K I N G tj|tl|in|ca|st

W E S T E R N   N E W   Y O R K

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Bike: #14

Location: Western New York

Distance: 34.7 miles

Climb Elevation: 200 feet

Tread: Paved road

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 34.7/2:31:09/13.7/29

Rating:   (5 max)

I'm in western New York now, my old stomping grounds. I must say, aside from my family and friends who live here, I don't miss it at all. But, you have to be from someplace, and for me that place is here. Brutally cold in the winter, hot, muggy, and mosquito infested in the summer, I'm surprised it took me so long to move away. Well, perhaps I'm being a little closed-minded here. I mean it -was- the place where I grew up. God only knows, having lived here so long, I must have taken bits and pieces of the place with me when I moved to Portand, Oregon 8 years ago. Who knows, maybe if I ride my bike around a little, better memories will come flooding back to me? I guess we'll find out.

Today will be a road bike down memory lane. Departing from my Aunt and Uncle's house near Medina, NY, I'll be riding the old route from their house to my childhood home in Oakfield. I'm sure that should being back some memories. My trek will be an out-and-back adventure, and in the middle I'll stop by Pine Hill Airport, an airport my father operated a flight school out of eons ago and the same airport where I learned to fly a Cessna 172.

Time to go, I'd better make sure to bring lots of Kleenex because I'm sure to get dewy eyed from all the sentimentality the ride will usher forth... yeah right... and pigs can fly... Hey! Wait! Did you see that pig just go over head? We'd better hurry up, I'm assuming you're coming along. Oh, come on, it won't be boring, it'll be fun.

Okay, I'm in a sentimental mood now, time to push off.

Description & Pics

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Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Arches National Park, Moab, UT
Colorado River, Moab, UT
The Sentinel, Zion National Park, UT
Geese at Lake Perennial, Boston, MA