B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

W H I T E F A C E   M O U N T A I N

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

The riding surface is rather unstable, it's a mixture of gravel, rocks, sandy dirt, and hay. It proves to be somewhat slippery so I take care to not go too fast because there are a few switchbacks that are challenging to turn on while maintaining an upright position (aka, not crashing).

Some views.

Frequently on this section of the run I pass by shallow drainage ditches. Running perpendicular to the ski trail, I find myself having to really slow down before passing over them. Doing otherwise would risk my going over the handle bars if I manage to "stick" my front wheel.

I then take the right fork onto trail #24, The Old Downhill. The blue signage on the trails is for the skiers, the small yellow signage is for the mountain bikers. As you can see, there are more drainage ditches to navigate. I'm extra careful on this section but that doesn't guarantee anything. During my 4 downhill runs I manage to flip the bike (and by association me too) twice on this section of the run.

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Somewhere in Central Colorado
West and East Mitten Butte, Monument Valley, AZ
Echo Lake, Acadia National Park, ME
Biathlon Practice, Verizon Sports Complex, Lake Placid, NY
Porter-Parsonsfield Historical Bridge
Old Romance, Pacific Beach, CA
Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT