B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

W H I T E F A C E   M O U N T A I N

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

The run continues on for a bit, some of which is gnarly switchback. Going down the switchbacks I discover it's helpful to unclip my foot from the pedal on the side I'm turning on. Doing so gives me a foot to brace myself on if the tail-end of the bike gives way. This technique allows me to increase my speed through the turns. It eventually takes me to one of the ski lifts.

Fast downhill on rough terrain really shakes up the bike. So much so, my chain fell off quite a few times on my 4 downhill runs. The more expensive mountain bikes have chain guides that prevent this kind of thing from happening. But let's face it, my bike is not the best for this kind of riding.

I follow the lift towers down the hill to where a little path takes me to the right. On my first run, I miss the path and continue down the hill, heading for the dirt road that goes by the Mid-Mountain Lodge. I'm going too fast and just before the black asphalt walkway my front wheel digs in and I fly over the handlebars in a "superman" then "yard-sale" it on the hard asphalt. Of all the places to fall I manage to find that surface. But I'm okay. Whenever I fall over the handlebars I always land on my back. Which I think is a good thing because landing on outstretched arms increases the risks of broken arms, wrists, etc.

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Lake Champlain, Burlington, VT
Big Sur, CA
Biathlon Practice, Verizon Sports Complex, Lake Placid, NY
Central Beach, Indiana Dune National Lakeshore
Big Sur, CA
Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ
Central Beach, Indiana Dune National Lakeshore