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C A R L S B A D   C A V E R N S   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Carlsbad, New Mexico

Let's Go Caving!

Next to the elevators I find detailed maps of the caves.

Sadly, the time has arrived to head back to the surface. Interestingly enough, the elevators display depth information in digital above their doors. The one coming for me registers 750 feet before the door opens. Wow, I've hiked down 750 feet during my tour.

As I enter the elevator I soon realize my fantastic cave tour has come to an end. What can I say, other than my tour of Carlsbad Caverns has proved to be one of the brightest highlights of my trip so far. It's hard to believe a place like this exists outside of my dreams. However, it is in fact real, and because of the efforts of the National Park Service, this magical place has been made accessable to the general public.

I give my tour of Carlsbad Caverns a 5 thumbs-up, a perfect rating!

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Adventure Garage Design/Build Crew
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