S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

W H I T E F A C E   M O U N T A I N

Wilmington, New York

Me blocking Lake Placid. You can blame the tourist who took my picture.

Here's a gander at the High Peaks Region.

I want to get a closer look at the High Peaks Region but I don't have any quarters. One of the biggest things missing from all the junk I'm hauling around in the van are binoculars. I only think about them during the moments I need them, all other times I forget I need to buy a pair. It's funny, the term "a pair of binoculars" is a misnomer. If anything, you should say "a pair of monoculars." Two monoculars make a binocular, right? Is there such a thing? A monocular?

Due to my quarter deficiency bind, I pull out my thinking cap and place it snugly over my head. After some thought... BAMMMM!... an idea came to mind. I'll use the metered binocular as a directional pedestal for my digital camera. I dial in the degree setting to the mountain sight using the pedestal then snap a zoom photo. Perfect-A-Mundo!

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Sunset, West Mitten Butte, Monument Valley, AZ
Big Sheep, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Quaint farm, Carr Valley, WI
The Alamo, San Antonio, TX
Waldo-Hancock Bridge, Verona, ME
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
Surf’s Up Dude, Mission Beach, CA