F A V O R I T E   C O M M U N I T I E S
F A V O R I T E   C O M M U N I T I E S

A limited measure of attention was given to communities as I made my way around the country. The attention expended was usually gained from attention spillover from efforts in focusing on a bigger, more interesting venues outside of the community category. For example, my focus was on Acadia National Park but getting there meant driving through Bar Harbor, Maine. So, why not take some pictures while I'm passing through, right? Primarily, that was the tone and nature of my attitude.

So, when the dust all settled after trip completion, and I focused on just what communities I could do justice to in a writeup, I discovered, to my surprise, I actually had enough fodder for 23 of them. Some wonders never cease.

Here are my favorites, the communities that have managed to stick in my mind, and my heart.

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Hunters on Horses, Indian Petroglyph, Arches National Park, UT
Canyon Cloud Cover, Grand Canyon, AZ
Cody Nite Rodeo, Cody, WY
Old Rusty Farm Equipment, Southern Tennessee
Chinese Grauman Theater, Hollywood, CA
The Painted Desert, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Bighorn National Forest, WY