B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

A D I R O N D A C K   S T A T E   P A R K

Upstate New York

Looking at my bike I notice it is looking a little weary itself, reminding me I need to be a better owner. It's a bit dirty, a condition that's not good for its components.

And then I look at myself and realize I don't look a whole lot better. Yes, that's the same injury I received when I fell off my bike in Spokane, WA, 2 months ago. 2 months ago! It's still there. Living in a van means sometimes you have to kneel. And that has continued to aggravate the healing process. Plus all the knee bending of biking isn't helping matters either.

Snack time is over and I continue on with my biking. I see an interesting shot that requires me to stop the bike but I almost crash into a guardrail when I hit the sandy shoulder.

Raquette Pond must be a very shallow as indicated by the marsh-like vegetation.

This is the interesting shot I've stopped for. Two lounge chairs facing Raquette Pond. I really like this picture. It's one of those scenes that grabs your attention as soon as you see it. To me it looks relaxing and welcoming.

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New Romance, Pacific Beach, CA
Elephant Skin, Somewhere in Eastern UT
US Supreme Court, Washington, DC
Badlands Sunset
The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC
Three Gossips, Arches National Park, UT
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA