B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

A D I R O N D A C K   S T A T E   P A R K

Upstate New York

Okay, alright, that's not true. The truth is occasionally on the ride I'll see something really photogenic that deserves a closer look. When those moments arrive, I hop off the bike so I can snap a few close-up shots, like the next series of pictures.

This little tree is the reddest one I've seen so far on my ride. Its blood red color enhances the little drama that is unfolding, for the tree has suffered a fatal fracture and is in the throes of death. How appropriate. Too bad, it would have been a spectacular tree had it reached full maturity.

A close-up of moss near the dying tree. Aren't you glad you've come along on the ride. I mean look. No, not up the road looking for someone to hitch a ride back to the van, rather, look at the moss!

Back on the bike, I pass some fellow cyclists. Whenever I pass a cyclist, I always wave. I'm friendly like that. I usually always get a wave back, as I do with these folks. I receive a triple wave to my one wave. Now that's a pretty good return on investment.

Ahhh, my first swamp of the ride. Do you see the gator?

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Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Siberian Reindeer, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Sunset at Grand Canyon, AZ
Big Sur, CA
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
Docile Deer, Yosemite National Park, CA
Tropical Fish, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA