O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

E Y E S   F R O M   A B O V E

Roswell, New Mexico

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Watching down from the heavens above, are alien eyes gazing down upon us? Is no one exempt from their surveillance, their incessant, sinister vigil? What do they want from us? What are they thinking? Are we simply ants to them, to be someday scattered and squashed as part of the prophesized world Armageddon?

While walking down the main drag in Roswell, New Mexico I get the distinct feeling that I'm being watched. Looking around I get a start, I am indeed being watched. From light posts to signboards I'm completely surrounded. Their large, oddly-shaped eyes look uncompassionate, soulless, perhaps even evil. Quickly, within my very core, a tempest tremor of terror tosses to and fro from head to toe. Entering into a state of shock, my world is now collapsing in upon me... NO WAIT, WAIT A MINUTE!

Ha, now that explains it! I'm across the street from the International UFO Museum and Research Center. No wonder aliens are all around, it's just marketing in action, advertising the Museum. Containing the Museum, the two block section of main street in Roswell, New Mexico is dedicated to alien memorabilia and related sundries.

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Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon, AZ
Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Glacier National Park
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
Pack Horse, Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ
Grand Canyon, AZ